
I have been extremely flattered lately by people I do and do not know telling me how much they like to read my blog. I have also found that a lot of people think I am just a blogger. So today, I wanted to share with you that I write this blog just because I love doing it... BUT, my work, my first love, what I am out doing each day is photography. 

I started doing photography work when I was 15 years old. I began by shooting live music. While I still love to shoot live music, my work transitioned from there to portraiture. Senior, family, baby portraits, you name it. In 2010 I started working on my Photography degree at Columbia College in Chicago. There, I did mostly fashion work. It was really fun for me to combine two of my passions, fashion and photography into one. I graduated with a degree in photography this past May. Today, I work as a freelance photographer shooting a variety of portraits, weddings, fashion and a lot more.

Today, I wanted to share with you all a small collection of some of my favorite images I have taken over the years. I hope you love looking at them as much as I love taking them!

Happy Friday!
