50 Fun & Productive Things To Do While Social Distancing

dog mom

Hello from home! During this crazy time, it’s extra important to take care of ourselves mentally and physically! Staying home can be tough and can be isolating. I put together a list of 50 fun and productive things to do while you’re social distancing! It’s important to remember that we are all in this together and we WILL get through it. Staying home and distancing yourself from others as much as possible is how we can get out of this period faster… SO! Take the time at home to do all the things that always get put off! Sure, maybe events are cancelled… but love, happiness, family, laughing, singing, dancing and so many amazing things are not cancelled. We are blessed to be home with a roof over our heads and food in our fridge. Try to focus on things that are truly important during this time and to your part to keep yourself and others safe by staying home! I am going to be sharing a ton of fun, live content this week on Instagram as well! So make sure you’re FOLLOWING ME ON INSTAGRAM to be a part of that fun! We got this ya’ll!

1. Do a puzzle! We’re doing one from THIS BRAND right now & it’s been such a fun distraction!

2. Workout at home! This week I’ll be sharing my favorite at home body weight workouts on IGTV! The ClassPass app also has TONS of amazing on demand workouts!

3. Make FaceTime dates with your best friends!

4. Clean our your closet! Find my 5 best tips for cleaning our your closet HERE!

5. Spring cleaning! Get the house in tip top shape!

6. Get crafty! Do some DIYS you’ve been wanting to do for a long time!

7. Read a book you haven’t had time to read! THIS is an awesome list of real women approved books from my friend, Jess Keys blog!

8. Go for a long walk!

9. Try meditating!

10. Start a new show! Our favorites: This Is Us, The Outsider, Sex Education, New Girl, Jack Ryan, West World.

11. Take the time to cook! If you’re wanting to keep your diet clean, find my easy tips to clean up your diet & what works for me HERE.

12. Write a grateful journal each day. It’s extra important during this time of social distancing to remind ourselves how grateful we are. Remember, past generations were called to fight in wars, we’re just being asked to stay home. Remind yourself of how grateful we are.

13. Do some spring shopping! THIS is my favorite site to shop! It’s the best organized online retailer in my opinion! They have TONS of new arrivals every day AND it’s free shipping & free returns!

14. Call an old friend to catch up!

15. Build a fort and watch a movie!

16. Put together some new outfits for when we can go out in the world again! Head to my IGTV for some styling videos to get your creative fashion juices flowing!

17. Have a dance party!

18. Start to learn a new language. Duo Lingo is an amazing app to do so!

19. Actually look at all those pretty coffee table books you buy!

20. Plant a garden!

21. Volunteer to pick up medicines for elderly who can’t drive.

22. Have theme dinner nights... music, food, clothes, ambiance. Get creative!

23. Make your bed every day!

24. Bake cookies!

25. Listen to new podcasts!

26. Stretch daily!

27. Play dress up!

28. Give yourself a mani/pedi!

29. Do a face mask!

30. Organize your pantry/cabinets/bathroom drawers!

31. Support small business!

32. Have a photo shoot!

33. Learn how to use your camera!

34. Make craft cocktails! 

35. Sing karaoke!

36. Clean your makeup brushes!

37. Make a collage with old magazines! 

38. Finally download TikTok. Make some fun videos!

39. Have a game night!

40. Get your email and text inbox down to ZERO!

41. Unsubscribe to all the emails you wish you never got anyways!

42. Read poetry!

43. Learn a new type of dance on Youtube!

44. Finish your taxes!

45. Take a bubble bath!

46. Make a big pot of soup!

47. Start a new hobby! Crafting, baking, painting, meditating, singing, yoga etc.

48. Teach yourself something new!

49. Update your resume!

50. Snuggle!

What else are you doing while you’re social distancing!?

Love from my couch,

xx Ali