Dry Brushing: What Is It & Why Should I Be Doing It?

Last year, I bought a dry brush. I saw an influencer I admired use one and she has beautiful, smooth skinned legs. The brush itself was under $20 so I figured, what do I have to lose!? It wasn’t until a couple weeks ago that I started learning there is ACTUALLY a technique to dry brushing and WAY more benefits to doing so than just exfoliation. SO, if you’re interested in having smoother, more even, perfectly exfoliated skin, an increase in blood flow & ridding your body of toxins… Then dry brushing is for you. Let me break it down.

how to dry brush

What is dry brushing anyways?

Pretty much exactly what it sounds like, dry brushing is the process of brushing your skin with a natural dry-bristled brush while your body is completely dry. When we brush in a hot shower, it deprives our body of moisture, but when brushing dry, we are able to exfoliate and increase circulation without compromising skin health.

What are the benefits?

Not only does a dry brush exfoliate your skin (removes that winter dead skin layer!) and unclog pores, it also does wonders for blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Our lymphatic system helps with fluid balance in our bodies, which regulates our lipid metabolism and our immune systems. Lymph is a clear fluid filled with white blood cells - the good stuff - that carries anything bad (bacteria, fats, cancer cells) to our lymph nodes for processing. When we dry brush, we are literally helping to “move” toxins out of our body, which is amazing, because it also feels SO good! If you dry brush on a regular basis, your skin will look healthier, and some say the plumping effect of increased blood circulation lessens the appearance of cellulite #winning!

How do I do it?

Of course, all of these are suggestions, and there is nor right or wrong answer! It’s whatever feels good for your body and makes the experience most enjoyable! Some people say it’s better to dry brush in the morning as opposed to before bed, because it can feel very energizing! I choose to dry brush whenever I have the time before showering, no matter what time of day it is. You can either totally “dry” dry brush, or add your favorite lotion or oil! If you “dry” dry brush, I would shower after your brush, then apply the moisturizer of your choice! To get the most of your moisturizer, leave your skin damp when applying! If you want to add the moisturizer to the brush, shower before so your body is a clean slate! Always work towards your heart; if you start at your feet move up, and if you start on your arms, move inward. You can move the brush in a circular motion or straight strokes, again, nothing is wrong! Just make sure it never hurts -it’s harsh on your skin but it should not hurt and it should never break the skin. This is where it benefits you to try different brushes, as this should never be painful! My whole dry brush routine takes about 5 minutes, so this health/beauty benefit isn’t a huge time commitment - plus, you deserve 5 minutes of pampering, babe!

What do I need?

All you need is a natural dry-bristled brush - however firm is comfortable for you - and your favorite lotion or oil to moisturize with afterwards! Just remember, dry-brushing should never hurt, and you don’t want to damage the integrity of the skin, so find what works for you! I also prefer a brush with a long handle, so I’m able to reach my back! Your skin will soak up that moisturizer so much better after dry brushing and your skin will be supple and soft! Make SURE to heavily moisturize after dry brushing. I’m so happy with my results so far and hope you are too!

Below are a few brushes, lotions and oils I found to make your experience the most ooh la la spa-like!

xx Ali