Saying Goodbye To 2016

There's a lot to look back on in a year. Both good and unfortunately but inevitably, bad. There have been countless smiles, lots of laughs but also, tears. We have had good weeks and we have had bad weeks. We have gained (strength, friendships, loved ones) and we have lost (strength, friendships, loved ones). 

Life is constantly changing. We hope mostly for the best, but sometimes that isn't always the case. The one thing that always stays constant in your own life is you. Coming into a New Year I've decided that one of my goals (resolutions, if you will) is to focus more on being happy, really purely happy. To focus on the positives of life and to do my best to not let the inevitable hard times get in the way too much. But let's be honest, moving onto a New Year isn't always easy.

I've been doing a lot of thinking recently. Overall, I find myself extremely lucky. I have an unbelievable family and friends who are by my side no matter what. I have a job that I love, even if I do end up working 80+ hours a week I feel blessed that I get to do work every day that I am passionate about. In 2017, I want to take more time to live, really live and do things I've always wanted to do. I want to take time on my own, and I want to take time to relax (here and there) and I want to take time make a difference in other peoples lives. That time for me started last week.

One thing I lost site of a bit in 2016 is my self, my happiness and the things I really love doing. My word for 2017 is going to be "Happy". I want to do more of what makes me happy, because after all, the one thing that will always stay constant in my own life is me. I challenge each of you in 2017 to live for yourself! Of course, continue to take care of each other, help each other, work together, spend time with your loved ones, make them happy too! But, try to always keep your own happiness in clear vision. I know I'm going to try my best to do so.

To end 2016 and ring in 2017 I decided to take a couple weeks to come out West. My parents (for their first) time rented a condo for a couple of months to get out of the miserable midwest Winter. It was my last big decision of this year, to take a little time to spend with those that I love dearly, let go of the stressors of daily life and just take some time to be happy and not to worry. (Currently writing this while laying in my best friends bed in LA... Hi Soph! You're at work but I'm still in your bed!) Again, feeling so lucky that I can make a decision like this given that I work for myself. I'm learning to find a work/life balance and so far, it feels really good. 

Happy new year lovely people! Thank you following along with me. For making this passion, this dream of mine, Those White Walls a possibility! It means so much to have you all on this journey with me. Frankly, I'm looking forward to 2017... I hope you are too.

 Wishing you all a 2017 filled with love, laughter, family, friends, great food, new adventures and most of all HAPPINESS!

xx Ali

Photos by: Ashley of Sed Bona

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