5 ways to glowing skin

The best accessory a girl can have is good skin! Last weekend, I was lucky to be pampered at George The Salon with a Brightening Facial. Lindsey, my facialist was amazing and so knowledgable! My skin has been feeling amazing ever since and I was inspired to write about my favorite tips and tricks to keep your skin glowing!  If you're looking for a place to be pampered, I would highly recommend George The Salon. The space is gorgeous and the location is just as good! Keep reading for my top 5 tips and shop what you'll need to achieve the results below!

1. Coconut Oil/Jojoba Oil

This is my #1 beauty/skin tool. I am a huge coconut oil fan. It is the best moisturizer out there. The make up of coconut oil is extremely similar to the oils that our bodies produce so it's a very effective moisturizer. I use coconut oil all over my body including on my face. After my shower, I use it all over my body and I put in on my face before bed and also put on a light layer in the morning before I apply my makeup. Side note! If you're applying coconut oil on your body in the morning, make sure you have at least a few minutes for it to soak in before you get dressed. Generally, I apply it right when I get out of the shower and let it soak in while I blow dry my hair and do my makeup. BONUS! Applied regularly coconut oil can reduce stretch marks and it's antibacterial properties help reduce breakouts! If coconut oil seems to be too heavy on your face I would swap it out and use jojoba oil on your face instead! 

2. Cleanse Twice

This is a simple one but makes a big difference. If you wear makeup or were sweating or simply had a long day, cleanse twice. The first wash will wipe away all the grime and grit and the second wash will truly clean your skin. I recommend using a very gentle cleanser and stay away from things that will dry out your face (benzoyl peroxide/salicylic acid wash). Two of my favorites are linked below.

3. Lactic Acid Face Mask

This is a new one for me, but it does wonders. It was recommended by Lindsey (my amazing facialist at George the Salon). Use a lactic acid face mask once a week and in the winter, if you need it, twice a week. This kind of mask is going to keep your skin nice and hydrated versus many other face masks that suck the moisture right out of ya! Besides hydrating your skin, this type of face mask will gently exfoliate, removing dead skin cells and will fight congestion resulting in brighter, healthier skin. Two great options are linked below. Yes, they are a tad pricey but each use only calls for about a pea-dime sized amount so one jar should last you many months.

4. Diet

Not only does diet effect your weight, your mood AND your energy levels but it also seriously affects your skin... Yup, here we go again! Another reason to eat healthy! The list of things to stay away from is similar to what you've heard before. Avoid fried foods, dairy, processed sugars and alcohol (red wine in small amounts is an exception). On the flip side, some foods that will help keep your skin glowing are; salmon or other foods with omega 3 fatty acids (flax seed oil, walnuts, sunflower seeds and almonds), avocados are great too. Not only are they delicious but they have all the healthy fats your body and skin are longing for, so put them on everything. Eat your greens! Veggies are great for your overall health including your skin. Another good rule to stand by is; high protein, low carbs. Carbs don't do joyous things to our skin so it's good to make carbs a small part of your diet. Obviously treat yourself to a big ol' bowl of pasta (my biggest weakness) every here and there but try your best to keep it infrequent. Last but not least, water water water! Water should by far be the majority of your liquid intake. You should drink at least 8 large glasses of water per day.

5. Brightening Facial

Surely, we can take great care of our skin at home. But, every so often a serious refresh can make huge difference. Having a professional take a look at your skin, cleanse, exfoliate, extract, and moisturize brings back that glow that sits under the surface. If possible, try and get a facial once a season and more if it's attainable. If you're in Chicago I highly recommend George The Salon. They offer a wide variety of facials depending on what your skin needs. Not in Chicago, I recommend asking around and finding out what your friends have enjoyed! 

Use these 5 steps and your skin is sure to see great improvements!

xx Ali

Photo by: Oren A Photo