My Favorite Ways To Have a Relaxing Night In


In all honesty, I love nights I get to stay home and relax. It feels so good to know I can glue myself to my couch in my soft fuzzy robe and not have to rush to do anything or go anywhere! Almost every night I stay in I have the same routine. These are my very favorite things to do with my relaxing nights in.

1. Cook a healthy and simple dinner.

A few of my favorites are a hearty salad, salmon and veggies or a stir fry. I love turning on some great music and zen-ing out in the kitchen.

2. Draw a bubble bath and eat dinner in it!

I love sitting in a warm bath, eating my dinner and watching en episode of Gilmore Girls or Gossip Girl (ultimate girls night in)!

3. Pamper your skin.

Post bath, I love lathering my clean skin in L'Occitane's cleansing oil. It helps to remove impurities and keep your skin hydrated. Plus! It smells amazing!

4. Put on your favorite robe, apply a face mask and hit the couch!

After I moisturize my body, it's time to get comfy and treat the skin on my face. I love putting on my big fuzzy robe, putting on either a Flash Moisture Mask or an Overnight Perfecting Mask (both are by L'Occitane) and letting my skin soak in the benefits.

5. Catch up on your favorite shows!

Behind on GOT or been trying to find time to re-watch The Office? Now's the time! Try your best to forget about work or all of the things you have to get done tomorrow and just enjoy! This is one thing I've been struggling with... but I'm working on finding a work/life balance and taking time for myself to really relax!

6. Treat yourself to something sweet!

As you know, my weakness is a chai tea latte. On these nights, I make an extra big one or sometimes even two! Weather your favorite treat is ice cream or starbursts, buy some and indulge! After all, life is all about balance! Healthy dinner means it's ok to eat dessert, right!?

My relaxing night's in by myself (and Obi, of course!) are sacred to me. I honestly never feel better after a night like this. Taking the time to pamper myself, do the things I love and give my skin a complete refresh with my favorite L'Occitane products get me ready to tackle the busy days ahead! If you haven't taken time to yourself recently, I highly encourage you to take a night off and RELAX. Try my favorite skin products (linked below) for an added bonus. You'll be amazed with how refreshed you feel. What are your favorite ways to relax? I'd love to hear them!

Thank you to L'Occitane for sponsoring this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

xx Ali

Photos by: Caitlin Lee of Public Lives Secret Recipes

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