My New and Improved Approach to Skin Care


Most of my life I've been pretty lucky when it comes to my skin. Skincare has always been important to me and something I've always said and believed is worth investing in. I never had huge skin concerns. A breakout here and there, a little bit of discoloration and sun damage but nothing too intense. In July that changed quite a bit when I started breaking out badly and seeing a lot more discoloration in my skin. Before I continue, let me say that I am extremely self conscious about my skin. This issue is something you guys may not have noticed, but I promise you it's there. I've just become an expert with a concealer pen and foundation. 

I've tried everything these last 7 months but I haven't been able to solve the problem on my own. All of the skincare brands I've discussed here on the blog and on Instagram I still use and love but it was time for me to take a more serious, professional approach to my skin issues... because I think I need more than a great moisturizer. I discussed a lot with my Mom and even my doctor and everyone agreed that it was time to find an expert to work with.

I knew right away who I wanted that person to be. For years I have heard rave reviews about Leah Chavie Skincare. Many women who I trust go to her and have seen amazing results. So, once the decision was made to take a more serious approach to my skin, I knew it was her I wanted to work with.  Leah owns, runs and provides services at her med style spa in Lincoln Park. She takes preventative and educational methods for taking care of your biggest organ, your skin! She works to help you understand your body, how to maintain good skin health and achieve the look you are most comfortable with.  Being comfortable in your skin is about knowledge and solutions that work specifically for you. Leah absolutely helps you find those solutions.

I am starting to work with Leah on a regular basis to help tackle my issues. I think having a professional who really knows my skin instead of the occasional facial here and there will be extremely beneficial.  I had my first appointment with her a couple weeks ago and am going back in tomorrow. I'm so excited to work with Leah in hopes of bringing my skin back to normal!

One thing I want to really stress here is that we all have very different skin. What works for me, may not work for you. I will be sharing everything Leah is doing to help me here and on instagram and I'm so excited to share! I just want to urge those of you who are looking to improve your skin or looking for professional help with your skin to please, go see Leah! She will help us all to tackle our own unique skin issues and bring back the skin we all dream of! 

If you have any questions, send them over! I'd be happy to chat with Leah about your skincare questions and will always provide you with the best info!!!

Find all the info about Leah Chavie Skincare HERE!

xx Ali

Photos By: Ally Manzella