Voting season has officially arrived! While I am no political expert… I am an expert and firm believer in self empowerment, confidence, doing what is right & exercising our rights. If you ask me, taking a stand and helping to create the country we want to live in is one of the most empowering things we can do. It is something TO BE PROUD OF. (If you have any questions about voting, Vote Save America is an incredible voter resource that will walk you through step by step everything you need to know. They make it SUPER easy & accessible).

It is our responsibility to elect our officials. The only way you don’t get a say is if you don’t vote. SO GOODNESS GRACIOUS STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN AND CAST YOUR VOTE & VOTE EARLY IF YOU CAN!!!! I actually voted YESTERDAY & have felt so empowered. I voted for the change I want to see in the world. I voted for officials who care for and do what is best for EVERY American citizen. I voted to elect officials who are experienced, honest & empathetic. I voted to elect officials who condemn white supremacy, who take responsibility for their actions, who believe in our democracy, who support all communities, especially our minority communities & who value the health and well being of others. If you ask me, when political views result in the suffering of another human being, they are no longer political views. They are moral choices. & That is where I am at.

Who you vote for is not up to me. It is fully up to you & I truly hope every single one of you will exercise that right. I only have one request… I hope you will vote with your heart, your brain and your morals and I hope you will consider all Americans (not just yourself) when you cast your vote. Never forget, this system was built for us White, able bodied people , no one else and it’s time we change that. In my opinion, America should be free and just for ALL Americans.

I wanted to share a few of my favorite quotes about voting AND share the coolest voter swag on the market. Voting is something to be proud of. So…

Do it. Wear it.

voter swag
  1. Cool Girls Vote Tee

2. Fucking Vote Mug (what I’ve been drinking my coffee in)

3. She Votes Book

4. Vote Bracelet

5. Hand Embroidered Vote Sweatshirt (I’ve been living in this & have the large)

6. I am a voter socks

7. Vote planet tee

8. Votes for Women mug

You can find a bunch more AWESOME voter swag HERE!

There are also a few brands that have created epic voter gear!
Shopbop partnered with I Am A Voter on THESE amazing pieces. Until Oct. 31 they are donating 20% of all sales to the organization! Love that!
Find some great tees HERE
-THIS brand has such well made, unique basics & I love for the vote for the planet tee they created (in the above collage as well)!

If you have any questions about voting (or anything else) you can always reach out to me via email or DM!

xx Ali


“Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country, and this world.”
- Sharon Salzberg

"Talk is cheap, voting is free; take it to the polls."
-Nanette L. Avery

"There's no such thing as a vote that doesn't matter."
-Barack Obama

“Bad officials are elected by good citizens who don’t vote.”
-George Jean Nathan

“If you don’t vote, you lose the right to complain.”
-George Carlin

“Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you.”

“This right to vote is the basic right without which all others are meaningless. It gives people, people as individuals, control over their own destinies”.
Lyndon B. Johnson

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead